We visit families as well and having our children along is a great ice-breaker. If allowed, we can sing songs with the children or tell them Bible stories.
At the last visit we used Bible story pictures to help tell the story. Most Mennonite people don’t even know basic Bible stories such as the conversion of the Apostle Paul.
Incidentally, the children are not taken to Old Colony church services until they are adults.
Becoming baptized and joining the Old Colony church is usually just done so that the young people can then marry. Many young people already have a child or are expecting a child out-of-wedlock before their wedding.
Brother and Sister Thiessen regularly visit several families in the colonies. One of these families is the poor Family Knelson who have 18 children. Recently they have expressed the desire to move away from the colony and to live on our mission land. The father was excommunicated because his son apparently had a radio. When the father told the elders he did not know where it was, they accused him of lying and gave him the “Bann”. One of their sons is getting married in a few weeks and then wishes to come to our church. Please pray for this family especially.